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First Post!


• Created on 24/12/2022




Who am I?

Well, first off, Hello there! I am Mario, a 15 year old full stack developer and designer. I’m familiar with modern technologies like Next.Js, Typescript, React Native, Prisma, tRPC, GraphQL and the list goes on and on…

Why is this important?

This is important because these are the topics I am going to post about in the future. I want to use this blog to teach and help people who are just starting out and are experiencing problems and confusion like I did once I started out with web development.

Things like:

  • What even is backend?
  • Where do I even put my backend code?
  • How do I properly structure my React application?
  • How much JavaScript do I need to know before starting out with React?
  • How much JavaScript do I need to know before starting out with Node?
  • Do I really need to use TypeScript?
  • Where do I even deploy my application?
  • Can I deploy my backend code along with my front-end code?

Were really confusing me while I was a begginer and just starting out.

I know these sound stupid, and they may be, but I know I had a lot of questions like these as a beginner and I wasn’t able to find clear answers and solutions in one place and I was just forced to shoot in the dark and just learn and practice those technologies until things became more clear.

What are my plans?

I plan on making a full platform where I can teach you everything I know about web development. I don’t want people to get stuck on trivial things like I did and potentially quit programming.

Thank you for reading!

If you found this article useful please share it so we can help other people!

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If you find any mistakes or think that you can bring any improvements please consider contributing to the open source repository!